We provide fresh thinking on how to transform your organisation to give every customer exceptional service at less cost to the organisation, eliminate excessive levels of activity and effort (much of it unproductive), upskill leadership capability to enable people to work more productively, and create lasting positive change in people’s behaviour and organisational culture. We do this by offering guidance using award-winning concepts, models, and leadership tools based upon a coherent and integrated theory of organisational behaviour underpinned by over 25 years of research and application in the field.
As accredited Vanguard Method and Systems Leadership experts, we have a 25-year track record in the private and public sector, and voluntary organisations. In private sector organisations, we have helped improve customer satisfaction, drive up advocacy, increase retention, bust backlogs, increase capacity and capability, drastically reduce operational expense, and enable colleagues to be more engaged through working in an organisation that allows them to work productively, to their potential. In public sector and voluntary organisations, we have helped create far simpler and better experiences for each person using a service (often at a time of great need) and, at the same time, achieve far more under constrained budgets whilst creating a more productive and positive work environment.
Unlike other consultancies, we never create long term dependency on our services. Instead, our approach builds capability in you and your colleagues, through transferring knowledge, technical expertise, and skills, to create a sustainable and successful organisation where we are no longer needed. That is our measure of success.
David Joyce

David has worked in a variety of organisations as a senior leader, ranging from startups through to multinationals.
In the early 2000’s David became a pioneer of, and major contributor to, the Agile, Lean and Systems Thinking movements. This led him to being awarded the Lean Brickell Key award in 2010 and in becoming a fellow of the Global Lean Society in 2012.
Today, David is a leading authority on organisational change. He provides fresh thinking for progressive leaders, helping them to improve digital and service delivery, leadership, and culture.
David is recognised as a thought-leader and is a well-known international public speaker. He is the author of the books ‘Reconceive: New thinking for progressive leaders to create productive, positively viewed service organisations’ and ‘Theories of Work: Origins of the Design and Management of Work’, and his blog has been ranked as one of the world’s top 100 organisational change blogs.
Tim Banner

During the past 10 years Tim has consulted extensively in the public and private sectors in both Australia and New Zealand. Previously, Tim spent 20 years in the UK within the Financial Services industry, and during that time he held various leadership roles.
Tim’s background includes leading change in a range of organisations from large multinationals to local government departments. Tim has helped to lead organisations to massive improvements in service, efficiency, revenue and morale, and is the author of the book ‘Reconceive: New thinking for progressive leaders to create productive, positively viewed service organisations’.